Analyse I
Analysis 1 (fall semester), 6ECTS, see B-KUL-H01A0B.
I gave exercise sessions for this course from fall 2016 to fall 2021.
This is a course for first year students in the bachelor of engineering science at KU Leuven. It explores several concepts, such as vectors, series, limits and continuity, curves and surfaces and their parametrisation, and differentiation and integration in one or more dimensions.
Analyse II
Analysis 2 (spring semester), 6 ECTS, see B-KUL-H01A2B.
I gave exercise sessions for this course from spring 2017 to spring 2021.
The follow up course in the second semester. Topics include differential equations, vector fields, gradients, Hessians, optimization, integrals over curves and surfaces, improper integrals, and power series.
Master thesis advisor
Jef Marcoen, Time-parallel time-integration of PDEs, 2017-2018.
Lander Vanroye, Adjoint based optimization of PDE constrained optimization problems with Monte Carlo methods, 2018-2019.
Kamal Sharma, Robust Optimization of Elliptic Partial Differential Equation, 2019-2020.