Journal articles
- Løvbak, E., Blondeel, F., Lee, A., Vanroye, L., Van Barel, A., and Samaey, G., Reversible random number generation for adjoint Monte Carlo simulation of the heat equation. arXiv
preprint arXiv:2302.02778 (submitted 2023).
Guth, P., and Van Barel, A., Multilevel quasi-Monte Carlo for optimization under uncertainty. Numerische Mathematik 154, (2023), 443–484.
arXiv - Journal- Van Barel, A., and Vandewalle, S., MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for
robust optimization of PDEs. SIAM
Journal on Optimization 31, 3 (2021), 1850-1876.
arXiv - Journal Van Barel, A., and Vandewalle, S., Robust optimization of PDEs with random coefficients using a multilevel Monte Carlo method. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 7, 1 (2019), 174-202.
arXiv - Journal
Conference talks
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, ICCOPT, Berlin, (Aug 2019).
- A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, ICSP, Trondheim, Norway, (July 2019).
- A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, ICIAM, Valencia, Spain (July 2019).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, MCM, Sydney (July 2019).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, East Coast Optimization Meeting, Fairfax, Virginia, (Apr 2019).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, Copper Mountain Conference, Copper Mountain, Colorado, (Mar 2019).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of PDEs: Combining MG/OPT and Multilevel Monte Carlo, EUCCO, Trier, Germany, (Sept 2018).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MLMC for robust PDE constrained optimization, MCQMC, Rennes, France, (July 2018).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust PDE constrained optimization with multilevel Monte Carlo methods, WSC Spring Meeting, Eindhoven, Netherlands, (June 2018).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust PDE constrained optimization with multilevel Monte Carlo methods, SIAM UQ Conference, Los Angeles, (Apr 2018).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of PDE constrained systems using a multilevel Monte Carlo method, FrontUQ, München, Germany, (Sept 2017).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of PDE constrained systems using a multilevel Monte Carlo method, Copper Mountain Conference, Copper Mountain, Colorado, (Mar 2017).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, P. Robbe, Robust optimization of systems described by partial differential equations using a multilevel Monte Carlo method, International Multigrid Conference, Bruchsal, Germany, (Dec 2016).
Conference posters
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Gradient and Hessian based optimization under uncertainties using multilevel Monte Carlo, poster, Woudschoten Conference, Zeist, Netherlands, (Oct 2017).
This poster won the best poster award.A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, P. Robbe, A multilevel Monte Carlo method for robust optimization with SPDE constraints, poster, Woudschoten Conference, Zeist, Netherlands, (Oct 2016).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, Seminar organised by Stefanie Günther, online, (Aug 2021).
- A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for robust optimization of PDEs , Mannheim Seminar, Universität Mannheim, (Sept 2021).
- A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, OPTEC WG4 meeting, Leuven, Belgium, (Mar 2020).
- A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and MLMC for robust optimization of PDEs, CWI Seminar, Amsterdam, (Mar 2019).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of PDEs using MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo, EPFL Seminar, Lausanne, Switzerland (Nov 2018).
A. Van Barel, D. Huybrechs, Julia Workshop, SIAM SC, Leuven, Belgium, (Nov 2018).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of PDE constrained systems using a multilevel Monte Carlo method, NUMA Seminar, Leuven, Belgium, (Oct 2017).
A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of systems described by partial differential equations, OPTEC WG4 meeting, Leuven, Belgium, (Sept 2016).
PhD Thesis
- A. Van Barel, Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for robust
optimization of partial differential equations, KU Leuven, (2021).
Under supervision of Prof. dr. ir. Stefan Vandewalle.