
Journal articles

  • Løvbak, E., Blondeel, F., Lee, A., Vanroye, L., Van Barel, A., and Samaey, G., Reversible random number generation for adjoint Monte Carlo simulation of the heat equation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02778 (submitted 2023).
  • Guth, P., and Van Barel, A., Multilevel quasi-Monte Carlo for optimization under uncertainty. Numerische Mathematik 154, (2023), 443–484.
    arXiv - Journal

  • Van Barel, A., and Vandewalle, S., MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust optimization of PDEs. SIAM Journal on Optimization 31, 3 (2021), 1850-1876.
    arXiv - Journal
  • Van Barel, A., and Vandewalle, S., Robust optimization of PDEs with random coefficients using a multilevel Monte Carlo method. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 7, 1 (2019), 174-202.
    arXiv - Journal

Conference talks

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, ICCOPT, Berlin, (Aug 2019).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, ICSP, Trondheim, Norway, (July 2019).
  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, ICIAM, Valencia, Spain (July 2019).
  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, MCM, Sydney (July 2019).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, East Coast Optimization Meeting, Fairfax, Virginia, (Apr 2019).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, Copper Mountain Conference, Copper Mountain, Colorado, (Mar 2019).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of PDEs: Combining MG/OPT and Multilevel Monte Carlo, EUCCO, Trier, Germany, (Sept 2018).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MLMC for robust PDE constrained optimization, MCQMC, Rennes, France, (July 2018).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust PDE constrained optimization with multilevel Monte Carlo methods, WSC Spring Meeting, Eindhoven, Netherlands, (June 2018).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust PDE constrained optimization with multilevel Monte Carlo methods, SIAM UQ Conference, Los Angeles, (Apr 2018).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of PDE constrained systems using a multilevel Monte Carlo method, FrontUQ, München, Germany, (Sept 2017).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of PDE constrained systems using a multilevel Monte Carlo method, Copper Mountain Conference, Copper Mountain, Colorado, (Mar 2017).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, P. Robbe, Robust optimization of systems described by partial differential equations using a multilevel Monte Carlo method, International Multigrid Conference, Bruchsal, Germany, (Dec 2016).

Conference posters

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Gradient and Hessian based optimization under uncertainties using multilevel Monte Carlo, poster, Woudschoten Conference, Zeist, Netherlands, (Oct 2017).
    This poster won the best poster award.

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, P. Robbe, A multilevel Monte Carlo method for robust optimization with SPDE constraints, poster, Woudschoten Conference, Zeist, Netherlands, (Oct 2016).


  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, Seminar organised by Stefanie Günther, online, (Aug 2021).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for robust optimization of PDEs , Mannheim Seminar, Universität Mannheim, (Sept 2021).
  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization, OPTEC WG4 meeting, Leuven, Belgium, (Mar 2020).
  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, MG/OPT and MLMC for robust optimization of PDEs, CWI Seminar, Amsterdam, (Mar 2019).
  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of PDEs using MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo, EPFL Seminar, Lausanne, Switzerland (Nov 2018).

  • A. Van Barel, D. Huybrechs, Julia Workshop, SIAM SC, Leuven, Belgium, (Nov 2018).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of PDE constrained systems using a multilevel Monte Carlo method, NUMA Seminar, Leuven, Belgium, (Oct 2017).

  • A. Van Barel, S. Vandewalle, Robust optimization of systems described by partial differential equations, OPTEC WG4 meeting, Leuven, Belgium, (Sept 2016).

PhD Thesis

  • A. Van Barel, Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for robust optimization of partial differential equations, KU Leuven, (2021).
    Under supervision of Prof. dr. ir. Stefan Vandewalle.